A new book authored by Dr. Acar and Dr. Shkel entitled “MEMS Vibratory Gyroscopes” has been published by Springer. Link to the book’s web page and book’s flyer….Continue Reading New MEMS Book
Lab Research Highlighted
Microsystems Lab research on development of MEMS gyroscopes for safety-critical automotive applications is highlighted by Science Daily….Continue Reading Lab Research Highlighted
Alumni Update – Jesper Eklund
Western Digital (WD) Inc., the world leader in hard drive manufacturing, hired Ph.D. graduate Jesper Eklund to work on the development of MEMS components for the next generation hard disk drives….Continue Reading Alumni Update – Jesper Eklund
Jesper Eklund defends PhD thesis
Microsystems Laboratory member Jesper Eklund defended the Ph.D. thesis entitled “Microgyroscope Based on Spin-Polarized Nuclei.”…Continue Reading Jesper Eklund defends PhD thesis
US Patent #7,421,898 Issued
US Patent and Trademark Office has issued US Patent #7,421,898 to Cenk Acar and Andrei Shkel on “Torsional nonresonant z-axis micromachined gyroscope with non-resonant actuation to measure the angular rotation of an object”….Continue Reading US Patent #7,421,898 Issued