Jalal Ahamed accepted an offer for tenure-track Assistant Professor position at the University of Windsor, Canada, in Mechanical Engineering. Jalal has been a postdoc with the MicroSystems Lab for 2 years….Continue Reading Congratulations to Jalal Ahamed
Prof. Shkel presented to the IEEE SFBA MEMS & Sensors Chapter
The presentation was hosted by Google, Inc. The title of his presentation “MEMS are becoming 3D and atomically precise”….Continue Reading Prof. Shkel presented to the IEEE SFBA MEMS & Sensors Chapter
Prof. Shkel presented to the IEEE SFBA MEMS & Sensors Chapter
The presentation was hosted by Google, Inc. The title of his presentation “MEMS are becoming 3D and atomically precise”….Continue Reading Prof. Shkel presented to the IEEE SFBA MEMS & Sensors Chapter