The paper “UWB-Foot-SLAM: Bounding Position Error of Foot-mounted Pedestrian INS with Simultaneously Localized UWB Beacons“ by Chi-Shih Jao, Danmeng Wang, Joseph Grasso, and Andrei M. Shkel won the Best Paper Award in the technical track “Inertial Sensor Technology” of the IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS’2023). The conference held in Monterey, California on April 24-27, 2023. The paper was presented by the first author Chi-Shih (Chico) Jao.
About PLANS Best Paper Awards. Awards are presented to the lead authors of the best paper in each technical track. The selection criteria include: technical content, innovation, importance and timeliness of the subject matter; and conciseness, clarity and completeness of the written material. Additionally, papers must be present in the PLANS proceedings to receive an award – $250 each