Category: News

2 New Patents Issued

Two additional patents have been issued: “Compact atomic magnetometer and gyroscope based on a diverging laser beam“, issued on January 18, 2011 and “Single-mask fabrication process for linear and angular piezoresistive accelerometers“, issued on May 10, 2011….Continue Reading 2 New Patents Issued


Microscale Positioning Navigation and Timing (micro-PNT) program led by professor Shkel at DARPA were featured at the agency’s front page. [Link]…Continue Reading micro-PNT

Transducers 2011

The paper “Sub-Degree-per-Hour Silicon MEMS Rate Sensor with 1 Million Q-Factor” coauthored by Prikhodko, Zotov, Trusov, and Shkel has received an outstanding paper award at Transducers 2011 Conference in Beijing, China….Continue Reading Transducers 2011

New Website

Welcome to our new website. Delete this Post or replace the text with your own content. Create new Posts or News items by creating “New Posts”. They will appear on your website under News in reverse chronological order….Continue Reading New Website